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Our classes

Studio SPIN is more than a workout—classes are designed for peak performance training and are guaranteed to satisfy your needs and supercharge your day. Let’s get to work on your best body, mind and soul!


Power up hills and sprint across flats in our state-of-the-art studio. High-intensity intervals build strength and cardiovascular endurance in this non-stop class that'll keep you energized long after you clip out.


Fire up your metabolism with 60-mins of Spin and Strength training guaranteed to leave you drenched in sweat and feeling unstoppable. Get Cut with the ultimate full body workout.


Go the distance with 12-rounds of high-intensity cardio Box, Strength, and Spin. The Grind combines our signature formats to bring you the very best of Studio Spin in a single class.


Get ready to Rumble with 60-mins of cardio boxing, bodyweight, & core strength training. Be challenged through 9 high-intensity rounds & emerge victorious under the lights & energy of the Rumble Room.


Fire up your metabolism in a 60-min combo class that begins with 30-mins of Spin intervals and finishes with 30-mins of Yoga for Athletes, Essential Stretch, or Core Strength.


For young athletes of all fitness levels. Condensed 45-mins of cardio and strength optimized for building muscle, burning fat, and improving coordination. Level-up your confidence and feel unstoppable.

Join us

Challenge yourself to be great, surround yourself with positive people, and do more of what you love at Studio SPIN!

StudioSpin Highland Park

Flagship location has an amazing vibe with 2 group fitness studios offering more class options for all fitness levels.

Studio Spin Glenbrook

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Get in touch with Studio Spin

Learn about founder member pricing.